: July 2002: Letter from
a Lesbian |
recently became privy--and I don't mean "privy"
in the "toilet" sense, but rather the "had access
to" sense, although maybe I should have just used
"had accessed to" in the first place--to this faxed
letter by a woman calling herself "Heather." A self-identified
lesbian, Heather apparently felt so outraged by
the humorlessness within her raw-oyster-slurping
community that she sat down, scrawled a mostly legible,
all-caps letter to us, and forwarded it to our office
using the miracle of facsimile technology. If you
read this, Heather, get in touch--we'd like to pay
you. Converting you from your wicked lifestyle is
probably out of the question, but at least we'd
like to pay you.
Jim, Frank, or whoever the hell wants to read this...
for the apology, but really, don't you just wanna
say, "Fuck lesbians?" Wait--I'll just do it for
you--FUCK LESBIANS!!! I can say this because I AM
one, and by that I don't mean I get drunk and wake
up the next morning in bed next to a woman saying,
"What have I done?" I'm not a weekends-only, "my
boyfriend's out of town" kind of lesbian. I've been
doing this with fervor and conviction for twelve
years now. I have been deep, deep on the inside
(pun intended) and have emerged with the realization
that we, the lesbians, in every way but one, really
fucking suck! We scream and march and spit and kick
so we'll be treated like everyone else and then
proceed to stick out like a bulldyke doing a pole
dance. We shove our politics so far up everyone's
ass that you'd need an enema the size of a pick-up
truck (complete with rainbow pride sticker) to get
them back out. We piss and moan about the "oppressive"
stereotypes that are forced on us, and then we run
right out and shave our heads and buy a pair of
Carharts or get a mullet and a flannel. We are incestuous
as hell. We hang out in tight little circles and
then trade off girlfriends like last month's issue
of Ms., and if you haven't noticed, we speak in
metaphors...a lot. I've been there...done all of
this and more. I took the classes. I marched and
screamed. I received my Sapphic Sisterhood membership
card, and it's currently keeping the cocktail rings
off my coffee table. I was the campus protester.
I was drenched in feminist theory. And then I finally
realized that my feminism was hindering what my
pussy wanted. Guess which one got the boot? I love
dick as long as I can throw it in a drawer at the
end of the night. I feel an affinity to female-loving
men; we want the same thing.
don't see why we can't all just hang out and get
along. I mean, really, the fact is that there are
more women than men in this world. If you take all
the lesbians out of the picture, you'd have to get
rid of all the gay men, too...leaving a pretty even
playing field. So see, we're not taking away your
chances of getting laid; you're just a bunch of
witless clods. But it's not your fault. You (like
us) have only grown to embrace what's been delegated
to you.
so back to my original longwinded and unnecessary
point--I am a lesbian, and we are ridiculous and
hilarious, as are the rest of you. The sooner we
come to accept this undeniable fact, the more openly
amusing this world can be. I for one loved the
"What's With all the Lesbians?" article. I carried
it around, and in between fits of laughter, I read
it to my oh-so-serious lesbian friends. Come on,
now, really--if you can't laugh at yourself, then
you deserve for the rest of the world to laugh at
Self-Loathing, Porn-Peddling Dyke from Down South
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