Welcome Back, Pornland,
to Destruction and Perversion...With Really Cool, Moody, Rock 'n'
Roll Lighting and Lots of Leather Hats I'm
glad to see you all made it through another month and another round
of this endless circus of sex, drugs, and rock I like controversy. Controversy is cool. Or maybe it's not cool. It all depends on who's signing my paycheck and what they want to hear. I've got a lot of money behind me now, so controversy isn't very cool to me these days. You see, I'm not much for consistency. I'm not too big on loyalty. I'll say anything to anybody if I think it will benefit me. My modes of aggression are very bitchlike, indirect, and dishonest. Once you peel off my Phantom of the Opera mask, there's really not much in the way of a soul there. I'm not a dumb guy, but I'm a staggeringly shallow guy. And it is this emptiness within me, this conscienceless black expanse of pure anti-integrity, which makes me perfectly suited for life in this industry. I'll have a great time for a few months. None of my old friends, but lots of expendable cash. And then the guys who hired me will realize what a complete fuckup I am, what a scorched-earth disaster my life is. A million dollars a month wouldn't turn this train-wreck around. I remember telling Goad about my sellout on the day I signed the contract. I told him that one of the angles I might play is to just milk these new guys for six months or so, drive the local version their stupid little generic free porn magazine into the ground, and walk away with a lot of cash. Of course I'll deny it if they ask me about it. How hard is it to lie? See, even though they're giving me all this money, I'll stab them in the back, too. That's just the way I am. That's just the way life is here in the dirty, lyin', puffy-shirted streets of Alcoholic Titty. More Hilarious Stuff
About That Dude Who Puts Goldfishes in his Blender
Dude: I broke up with another girlfriend recently, and she really pissed me off, and it just so happened that she had a pet goldfish, too, so I took the goldfish and put it in a blender and turned it on and killed it. Everybody was crackin' up down at the club when I told them about it.
Thanks for your comments, Goldfish Dude, and here's hoping you don't break up with any more girlfriends any time soon so that we don't have to witness any more tragic, unnecessary shedding of innocent goldfish blood. That is, until
next month when I'm fucked-up at 3AM and need to fill The Top Ten
I Wanna Throw Ceramic Gargoyles At
If you know this
industry as well as I do, you'd know that there are a lot of people
in this industry who don't understand Has Anybody in the Office Seen
My Digital Camera? New Puffy Shirt Purchased
for Ink-N-Pink 2003 All you rock 'n' roll vampires who enjoyed the puffy shirt I wore during the first three annual Ink-N-Pink competitions will be saddened to know that the shirt was irreparably damaged during a street altercation involving me, my girlfriend, and several members of a Greek Olympic kayaking team. But everything's cool now...I was able to snag a newer, shinier, puffier puffy shirt at Swashbuckler's boutique, where I buy most of my alterna-pirate gear. The shirt will be unveiled next year at Ink-N-Pink 2003: Resurrection of the Puffy Shirt. Strip Clubs That Suck
Because They Won't Give Me Free Drinks Anymore So I'm pounding down a few boilermakers at The Brontosaurus Room out in Gresham, thinking about whether or not I should buy a new pair of cheetah-skin creepers, and I ask Filbert the bartender there for another free drink, and he says that I've already had more than my quota since they haven't bought an ad from me in a couple of months anyway, and it got me to thinking about how crazy life in this industry is. I mean, think
about it: I came here years ago with the dream of one day But even though I've known Filbert for years, here he is cutting me off from any more free drinks. Sometimes I feel like the people in this industry don't have any loyalty at all. Alcoholic Titty
Syndicated in Free Russian and Korean Sex Mags All my loyal local porno-lovin' slaves will be proud to learn that Alcoholic Titty, this very column you're reading right now, is being syndicated in two--count 'em, two--free foreign sex magazines: Boobs 'n' Borscht out of Moscow and Tae Kwan Ho's from Seoul, Korea. That's right, yours truly, Baron Jonathan von Spookenburger, is now worldwide, baby...meaning that dudes who like to see hot chicks take their clothes off--whether those dudes are little and yellow or medium-sized and white...are reading my deranged ramblings. Cool! That kicks Korean and Russian ass! I Have a Lot of Money
Behind Me Now In case you weren't listening the first couple of times I said it.
At least that's what the kitty-cat from the jack shack upstairs said.
My Girlfriend Threw
Her Drink at Me Last Night At the club where we were watching some chicks strip, and it really pissed me off. I Broke Up With My
Girlfriend L ast night after she threw that drink on me. That was the last straw. Everything that has gone wrong in my life for the past couple of years has been her fault. It's over. I know I've said this before, but this time I really mean it. I Made Up With My Girlfriend
This morning. I really think she's changed this time. Dude, Our Rights Are
Being Threatened The
Founding Fathers of this country shed some serious fuckin' blood
so that we could have all the tattooed-stripper competitions and
table dances we wanted. You see, back in colonial times, the British
were trying to take away our porno, and they were charging stuff
like really heavy taxes where you had to do crazy, unfair shit like
tip the King a The Powers That
Be are driven by only one thing--money. Actually, that's the only
thing that drives me, too, but I'm driven by it for cooler reasons
than they are. And I think it's fucked-up that they're trying to
take away our hard-earned, God-given rights to enjoy hot pussy and
cold beer at reasonably priced establishments. I think we, as an
industry, need to stand up and fight. Fight for your freedom. Fight
for your 2-Fer Tuesdays. Fight for the right to pay for sex because
you couldn't get laid through the normal channels.