"Can we, as a country, all
: February 2004: Top
5 Top 5 Lists
am not a list-maker by nature, nor am I a listman
nor a peddler or purveyor
of lists. It would be fair to say that for most
of my life, I have been fairly listless. So
when the noble editrix of this fair publication
asked me for a contribution to this "Top 5"
issue, my thoughts turned inward, as they are
often wont to do when I am left unsupervised.
Rapidly approaching senility, I realize it's
time to take stock of my years alive on this
ball of clay. Therefore, without further ado,
without much fuss, and without even apologizing
for turning this in way past deadline because
I've spent the past nine weeks constantly engaged
in sexual intercourse with a small, witchlike
woman, I present five tiny time capsules for
you to swallow--five lists of the five most
important things to me at five crucial intervals
in my life.
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