But what started you looking into what you admit are conspiracy
In 1989 I became the chief professional advisor for the
largest dental medical supply company in the world, the
Henry Shine Corporation out of Port Washington, New York.
The next year, in 1990, the media began reporting on the
case of Dr. David Acer, the New York dentist who allegedly
infected his patients with the AIDS virus. I was assigned
by the CEO to develop educational literature because at
the time, remember, the media was, like, spreading fear,
a phobia about getting AIDS in the doctor's office.
Right. A crazy dentist gave his patients AIDS by cutting
himself and bleeding into their mouths.
The authorities never admitted that. They never said that.
To this date, they maintain that that case is quote, an
unsolvable mystery, unquote.
But that was the explanation...
That was one of the explanations. There were a number of
them, and they confused the whole case. When I began reviewing
the scientific documents on the case, I discovered a government
cover-up. The truth was, the dentist believed he was dying
from a virus the government created. They covered that up.
In fact, he was a scientifically-trained military dentist
for much of his career. And he held in his possession some
horrifying documents, including a 1970 Department of Defense
appropriations request for $10 million for a five-year study
to develop viruses that were functionally and descriptively
to what the AIDS virus is and does today. I wrote an article
on the case for the December 1995 issue of the British
Dental Journal, an article called "Murder and Cover-Up
Could Explain the Florida Dental AIDS Tragedy." Then
I wrote a book about the case called Deadly Innocence:
The Kimberly Bergalis Case. It's an excellent book.
It's out of print right now, but we have the audio tape
for anybody who's really interested. The documents I uncovered
while researching the article and book led to my next book,
Emerging Viruses, AIDS and Ebola. I started with
the 1969 Defense Department appropriation and ultimately
found the United States government contracts under which
numerous AIDS-like and Ebola-like viruses were bio-engineered
by the Army's sixth top biological weapons contracting firm,
called Warton Bionetics, a subsidiary of Litton Industries,
which was linked, tied to the Nixon Administration. And
it was under Nixon that Henry Kissinger was the national
security advisor who virtually ordered the development of
these viruses, apparently for depopulation and population
control, covert operations and biological warfare. Now all
of that, everything that I just said, is meticulously documented
either out of congressional records or reputable publications,
including your top mainstream publishing companies.
Now, when I first became aware of you was several years
ago when I saw you speak at a local Preparedness Expo. The
media considers those to be run by right-wing extremists
and appeal to white supremacist militia types. How did you
find those people to be?
Well, I think those people are great, most of them. Certainly
you'll find racists and anti-Semites among Jews and Blacks,
and the left wing. But the vast majority of those people
are wonderful, fine people. And it's one of the many groups
that I speak to. I'm blessed to be able to go into the far
right, the far left, my support comes from the complete
spectrum of socio-economic-political-religious groups. I
look at the label as just that. Far right, what does that
mean to who? And why was it put out to begin with? Why is
it important to label people? People label me a variety
of different things. Who's labeling me, and why? That's
a more important question than the label itself. Far right,
far left. That's part of a hoax, you see. As long as you
can separate far right from far left, Democrat from Republican,
rich versus poor, Black versus White, gay versus straight,
HIV positive versus not, Jew versus gentile, Christian versus
Muslim, you can continue to manipulate the sheeple and direct
their will; small populations are easier to direct and move.
And that's what's being done. So you have to be an idiot
to fall into that trap. Not necessarily an idiot, you have
to really be not waking up to what's most obvious. I mean,
there's so much out there for people to read and understand
about what's really happening, you have to be, I guess idiot
is not the correct word. I apologize for that. Really, what
I like to call it, is brain-washed mind control slaves.
Which, unfortunately, the mass of the people are. And they
don't even know it. My father was involved in politics in
the state of New Jersey. My roommate from college is Robert
Torecelli, the Senator from New Jersey. I know who these
people are, I know how they play. They kill people. You
don't play ball right, with the right person, you're dead.
And for somebody who's operating outside of the Kingdom
of Heaven, if you don't give your life over to God and you
are operating in that realm, they will manipulate you for
the rest of your life. That's how Satan manipulates. And
so, if you're going to play those game, you get involved
and then, you know, you get corrupted, you get coerced.
And one step leads to another, leads to another, leads to
another, and ultimately you have a puppet like Clinton up
there with so much dirt and baggage. And this whole thing
with Monica Lewinski, for example, that was a complete distraction.
If the public knew President Clinton's dealings with drugs,
and his relationship to the Bush family, and his dealings
with the CIA and Oliver North in the Mena airport incident.
That Monica Lewinski thing was virtually a great distraction
off of the big truth, which is you're dealing with an inside
player who is as corrupt as sin. He's not any different
from any other Republican out there.
That's obvious.
But there is an agenda you have to understand. It's very
well articulated in The Report From Iron Mountain.
And in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It's
very well articulated. That report, like The Report From
Iron Mountain, that, too, was considered a hoax and
demonized. That specific report talks about how at this
time in history, before the New World Order is formed, what
would be required is to take out all peoples trust
in their governments, and that is precisely the agenda you
see unfolding here.
Well, what can anyone do to fight such a large conspiracy?
That's what my most recent work is all about. I've done
my exposes. I've done my medical, pharmaceutical exposes
where I unearth the garbage. What I'm currently doing is
celebrating the great healings, the things that people can
do for themselves. That's what the Healing Celebration events
are about. They let you know the risks, who these people
are and what they're doing, and the facts of that, of American
medicine and the truth of that, the national pharmaceutical
chemical cartels. Once you know the truth of what they're
up to, what their ideology is, how they've been manipulating
things all these years, now you're more aware of the risks,
and you can avoid risks. Now, once you've avoided risks,
what are you actually going to do for yourself to protect
yourself against the current and coming plagues? And that
is a lot of good news. There's a tremendous, tremendous
amount of great news that needs to be heralded, so that's
what I'm focusing on now.
And what are you telling people to do?
There are five critical steps. Everyone should do the first
three, the last two would be particularly important for
people who are sick with chronic illnesses. The first step
is detoxification, because we've all virtually eaten of
Babylon's harvest, we've all eaten the garbage that comes
from Monsanto and Dow Chemical and Archer Daniel and all
their genetically engineered foods and the chemicals and
the fluorides and the chlorines, you know, just all of this
stuff that we've been putting into our bodies that's literally
toxic wastes. So we need to detox. Step two is deacidification,
to change your body's chemistry, making it more alkaline.
It's only in the acid state that your body gets into that
causes the growth of bacteria, viruses, fungus, molds, and
cancer, cancer cells. They cannot grow in an environment,
a terrain, that is more alkaline. And what causes your body
chemistry to go acidic and become a breeding ground for
the bacterial and infectious agents? The main lifestyle
risks are caffeine, nicotine, sugar, refined carbohydrates,
alcohol, pharmaceuticalsvirtually all of them, including
antibiotics. And then, red meats. That, plus stress, are
the seven factors that cause your body chemistry to become
more acidic. So you want to eliminate those or reduce them
as much as possible. And then that, along with some nutrients,
waterlike you saw when I sat down; I took this lemon
and squeezed this lemon into this water. The reason I did
that is because by doing that, because the lemon has a lot
of calcium in it, it turns to calcium hydroxide in drinking
water. That's alkalising. It raises the PH of that water
from about 7 to about 8. So now I'm drinking PH 8 water
instead of PH 7 water. That's step two, deacidification.
So step three, then, is boosting your immune system in every
way possible. In other words, step one is detoxification,
step two is deacidification, and now you can go out and
spend your money effectively with your vitamins and your
minerals and your supplements. You can get the value out
of co-enzymes, you know. You can get the value out of the
olive leaf extract. Out of the variety of other vital nutrients
and botanicals. There's a whole revolution in that health
science. People think that all they have to do is take those
supplements, but if they're throwing those supplements into
an intoxicated terrain and an acidified terrain, it's a
waste of your dollar. It's so much less expensive to go
through an easy detoxification program using fresh squeezed
lemonade that you make with maple syrup and fresh squeezed
lemons and cayenne pepper. That's one of the recommendations
that we do, the old Stanley Burrough's Master Cleanser type
of things. It's also extremely beneficial when you're talking
about this upper respiratory infection, because particularly
those people who have low body temperatures with this upper
respiratory infection. You can raise your body temperature
with the hot cayenne pepper. Cayenne just happens to be
one of the most alkalising agents you can put in your body.
So you've really done to things. You've detoxed and deacidified
all in one step. Now, let me finish on step three. We've
just talked about nutritional supplements and nutrition
a little bit, but besides the physical there's mental, emotion,
social, environmental and, above all, spiritual changes
that people need to make to really prepare their temples
of God to withstand the plagues. So that's step three. Then,
if you're sick and ailing, you go on to steps four and five.
Steps four and five have both been heavily suppressed by
the same Rockefeller-directed international banksters, blood
banksters and medical monopolists. They are oxygenation
therapies and bioelectric therapies.
Those are both new to me.
They're new to virtually everybody because of the suppression
of the entire fields. I have in possession, for example,
a paper that was published in the Journal of Blood,
I think it was 1991, by Poitz and his colleagues, for the
American Hematology Society, and it was in the very prestigious
medical journal, Blood. Now Poitz is one of the doctors
I exposed royally in the book Emerging Viruses, AIDS
and Ebola. And what is he investigating here and showing
works terrifically? The oxygenation of the blood to clean
up the blood of the AIDS virus. Now that was 1991. Colleagues
of mine have shown me the documents, scientific documentation
that said that knowledge was not only available in 81,
in 71, but even decades before that they knew how
effective oxygen was in decontaminating the blood, inexpensively.
So now here you have a virtual Rockefeller-related researcher
publishing in the most prestigious medical journal, and
to this day do you think they're cleaning the blood of Hepatitis
C and Hepatitis B and AIDS virus completely? No, they're
still not, because they're still not using oxygenation technologies
to clean the blood up. So oxygenation can be not only used
for that, in a public health sense, but also by individuals.
There are a number of products that are available. There's
oxygen bars. I understand that Woody Harrelson just opened
up an oxygen bar, I think it was in Las Vegas or somewhere
else. There's a product called Body Oxygen, which is one
of the products that I have developed. It's an excellent
product. What it does is, what most people who are involved
in oxygen treatment use 35 percent of food grade hydrogen
peroxide, between 4 and 24 drops in an 8-ounce glass of
water. That oxygenates the water. But the problem is, it's
really caustic to touch. It burns you skin. And it tastes
horrible. If you drink it, it's horrible. What we did is,
we put it into a cold press, organic aloe vera and then
we added additional immune boosters, so you're getting your
oxygen, you're getting your aloe, which is great for your
gut, and your getting hawthorne berry, ginko and St. Johns
Wort, which is excellent for immunity.
And it raises the level of oxygen in the blood?
Exactly. You want to raise your blood oxygen levels. And
you can measure that. That is measurable. And so, you know,
it's a tragedy, again, we don't even think about some of
these things. When this planet was first made, there was
a 38 percent oxygen level, and that's one of the reasons
why people were living so long. Now, in cities there's about
an 18, 19 percent level. Before World War II there was about
a 28 percent level. So, suddenly we realize that our own
pollution, again, it goes back to the Rockefellers and their
friends. Of course, there are simple ways to get more oxygen
delivered into your body, like exercise. And there's medical
ozonization, hyperbolic chamber oxygenation, all those things
have been proven profoundly effective against a host of
illnesses. And finally there's bioelectric therapies. In
the Healing Celebrations were present people from around
the country who have some of the most advances science in
the field of bioelectrics. When you think about, for example,
Jesus' healing ministry, and how God heals, suddenly you
enter the realm of electro-magnetics. That's really how
it happens. That's God's technology. For example, the Bible
tells us the world, the universe was created in six days
through the spoken word. And what is the word? Words are
sound. Sound is electromagnetic frequencies. And so, one
of the things that we are heavily involved in is looking
at the relationship between ancient scriptural healing and
the most advanced science in the area of bioelectrics, resonant
technologies for healing, now you're getting into electro-medicine.
We're going far beyond electro-acupuncture now, we're talking
about technology based on the brilliant work of the last
century's genius, Nikola Tesla. It wasn't Einstein. And
then you're looking at sound and color and light therapies,
and how come they're effective. We're unraveling those mysteries
now and there's tremendous revelations that we've gotten.
Even the highest-level Nobel Prize winners in medicine in
the last decade have proven some profound things about how
DNA functions as an electromagnetic receiver and transmitter
that literally delivers God's healing vibration to all the
cells and tissues. These are now medically proven facts.
One final question. The name of your company is Tetrahedron.
What does that mean?
A tetrahedron is a four-sided equilateral structure that
resembles a pyramid. It's the most stable structure in the
known universe. When the right wingers see it on my stuff,
they look at me suspiciously and say, "You're not one
of those New Agers, are you?"
[Ed Note:
For a companion story on the contrails/chemtrails controversy,
see archives/6-10-apr99/death.html]