![The Gospel according to Viva Las Vegas - "the laziest gal downtown"](../7-07-jan00/Images/GospelHead.GIF)
Most recently in my unending quest to justify the sex industry
to ignorant non-believers, Ive been thinking a lot
about objectification. To many of our detractors, this is
the cardinal sin of the sex industry: the whittling away
of Woman to one attribute, her sexuality. Not even her sexuality,
which is indeed a many-headed monster, complex and stinkingly
human, but her pussy. Theyre just desperate to frame
us with some crime against humanity, thus objectification.
According to this charge, when men see a naked woman, ALL
they see is her nakedness. However, this totally flies in
the face of the male psyche, with its incredible aptitude
for fantasy. That, in a nutshell, is why porn is so much
more appealing to guys. They see a two dimensional pussy
and then dream up all the qualities and other appendages
of the woman it belongs to. Given the same Christian Dior
ad ripped from Vogueyou know, those ads with
two long limbed girls all sweaty and scantily clad and apparently
hot over each others monogrammed boots and pursesmost
women will see the boots and purses and fantasize about
taking them home, but most guys will see two sweaty
and Smile."
babes and fantasize about
taking them home. Which is worse? Which is more demeaning
to the human in the photo? Which is more objectifying?
So, why do men and women go to strip clubs? Often it is
for entertainment: visual stimulation that is personal,
intimate, and pretty punk rock. They get spontaneity, grace,
joy, and skilleverything you can find at the ballet,
but in a much smaller venue, on a more intimate, real, and
correspondingly unique scale. And theres a lot more
to see than tna. Dancers talk, theyre
in control, and thats whats sexy about them.
Ive always felt that there are two schools of customers:
guys who go for eye contact and guys who dont. The
latter has a purely sensualists eye and sees a clad
stripper and wants her unclad; his eyes follow your hips
at all times, and he cocks his head unnaturally, signaling
what he wants to see: pussy, no more. The rest is wrapping.
For some reason, this type has always unsettled me somewhat.
Perhaps I hear my foes echoes of objectification
ringing true?
However, I know lotsa girls who hate eye contact with customers.
Dont look at my eyes, look at my pussy!
It makes the job a hell of a lot easierand not as
totally nudewhen you shield your soul from the prying
eyes of strangers. Just spread it and smile. Or dont
smile! Just spread it. Easy as pie.
But I firmly believe there are two reasons guys come in:
for a little bit of fantasy and a little bit of soul. A
little bit of lies and a little bit of truth. Probably the
second most-asked question at a titty bar, following close
on the tail of Whats your name?, is No,
whats your real name? Who cares! You
saw my pussy, right? But they always want more. They want
to know you, the real you.
Objectification? Maybe initially, but give em a few
sets and most come around. Lord knows there are plenty of
folks out theremen and womenwho admire a fine
body and wanna take it home and touch it all over, no more!
But even then, our hearts get the best of us and we want
more. Its the stuff sitcoms are made of, and what
separates us from higher animalsmost of them keep
their friendships and their fucking separate. But we cant
separate our hearts from our genitals! Its rather
endearing, really, and makes true objectification
in the sex industry impossible.
Now Vogue, thats another story.
More Viva!
Dec. 99
Nov. 99
Oct. 99