Exotic Magazine

Exotic Magazine - Issue 329

Volume 29 - Number 01 (July 2021)

Exotic Magazine PDF - July 2021 Exotic Pinup

Let’s Put the Um... In Yum

by Esmeralda Rupp-Spangle

Let’s Put the Um... In Yum

We live in a world filled with people who have a total inability to see eye to eye on just about anything: from political issues, to whether socks and sandals are an affront to all that is good, to what invisible deity we prostrate ourselves before, we love a good squabble. However, there can be great value in taking a moment to reflect on the things we do share. While human culture and history are littered with strife and conflict, there are a few things we can all pretty much agree are A+. In that category, sex, sleeping in, and food all come to mind. In that spirit, let’s take a dive into some of the more obscure and outlandish facts about what we chow down upon. That’s right, our food; sometimes grotesque, sometimes mystifying, occasionally deliciously bizarre... and bizarrely delicious...

The Monthly Column: The Wide World Of Strange Sports

by Wombstretcha

The Monthly Column: The Wide World Of Strange Sports

As long as man has existed, he has sought things other than the pursuit of bare survival. Ever since the first cavemen kicked around the severed head of a tribal enemy for fun and contest, sport has existed.

Records, from cave paintings to stone tablets, describe sporting contests and games since the beginning of human history, and now, in the year 2021, we have more sports than ever. Pretty much any activity can be cobbled together into some sort of formal league with standard rules, and this is where the call of journalism has directed me. I present to you readers, in no particular order, a list of the oddest sports I could find, which people currently still play, worldwide...

Happy Major Label Independence Day!

by Blazer Sparrow

Happy Major Label Independence Day!

There’s a one-in-thirty-one chance that you are reading this on the Fourth of July—that glorious day this nation’s forefathers threw off the shackles of that tyrannical monarchy and were finally able to enjoy the profits of the land and people they owned. Thanks to their strongly worded letter to the king, we no longer have to deal with political dynasties today.

But I digress.

While you are probably celebrating this holiday with some good ole fashioned bbq and an explosive or two, this column is about music, not former British colonies rebranding. Since Instagram invents new holidays every three seconds, this seems like a good opportunity to co-opt the whole freedomcore aesthetic for us lowly musician types...

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Love In A Plain Brown Envelope: Even Maggots Need Love

by Jaime Dunkle

Love In A Plain Brown Envelope: Even Maggots Need Love

What no one in the West tells you about becoming a Buddhist is that it’s like being trapped in a Porta Potty full of your own shit, but you keep telling yourself it’s everyone else’s crap. Inevitably, you eat your own toxic waste, fling it at your favorite people and eventually learn to sort it out because we all know a Porta Potty doesn’t flush; it fills.

Before descending into nihilism, rest assured, I have good news! All that caca fertilizes food for the body and mind. Let’s remember: flowers spring forth from manure! My friends, even maggots need love.

That’s me. I’m the maggot...

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Erotic City

by Bryan A. Bybee

Erotic City

Local industry news and events...

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Exotic Pin-Up

photos by Hypnox

Exotic Pin-Up

Featuring Rilee from Cabaret...

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How To Land A Date In The Pacific Northwest 2021

by Hannah One Cup

How To Land A Date In The Pacific Northwest 2021

I realized after being mandated to become socially distant that my social skills had seemed to deteriorate. What’s more, I’m now uncertain of where they started at to begin with. I do think it is worth jotting down some helpful tips I’ve picked up over the past few weeks (while things have started opening back up) on how to properly pick up a person in the Pacific Northwest. And as a backup plan, how to just cut your losses and go home to your liquor cabinet (or liquor counter, or table, or couch, or wherever you stash that stuff). Because it seems like saying "Hey, how are you?" and "Hey, I haven’t had intimate contact with anyone in over a year because of social distancing with strangers, wanna chat?" are two very different ways to approach a human being. Who knew?...

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28 Years Of Exotic

cover photos by Hypnox, London and others

28 Years Of Exotic

Celebrating 28 years of debauchery...

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