Exotic Magazine

Exotic Magazine - Issue 336

Volume 29 - Number 08 (February 2022)

Exotic Magazine PDF - February 2022 Exotic Pinup

Mysterious Mycelium; Peculiar Facts about our Fungal Friends

by Esmeralda Rupp-Spangle

Mysterious Mycelium; Peculiar Facts about our Fungal Friends

We don’t spend all that much time thinking about mycelium, but our planet wouldn’t be able to support life without the humble mushroom. We here in the Pacific Northwest are especially fortunate in the variation and abundance of fungus that grows in our region and will often be met with large and resplendent examples of this if we take a walk on a drizzly spring or fall afternoon. Some are edible and delicious, some are repugnant, and some you only get to eat once before suffering from total organ failure. Let us now crouch down to the mossy forest floor and have a closer look at something that’s not an animal, but not a plant either. Something both alien and familiar, bizarre, beautiful, mysterious, and magical. Whoa, dude—have you ever really looked at your hands? Like, really?...

Totally Unsexy Songs to Completely Kill the Mood on Valentine’s Day

by Blazer Sparrow

Totally Unsexy Songs to Completely Kill the Mood on Valentine’s Day

Ah, the second (or third?) Valentine’s Day most likely spent alone due to the plague. You can still use that excuse for being alone and not your "winning" personality. Sometimes, a global pandemic has its upside—the perfect out for social situations you used to have to make up some absurd story for. Now, you can literally say, "I can’t, I might die," with a straight face. The downside is that the same excuse can be used to not meet up for a second date after the dystopian zoom screening. Let’s assume this Valentine’s Day you either already have a boo who hasn’t dumped your ass since you’ve literally only seen each other’s face for the last two years, or you found someone willing to swap some juicy Omicron fluids with you. It can’t be that hard in Portland. This is Slut City. We don’t mind getting our genitals dirty; we just sure as shit don’t wanna work. Hell, keep the masks on during sex. Let’s start a new kink...

Orpheus: When We First Sexted

by Elise Fontaine

Orpheus: When We First Sexted

It’s been three years since Orpheus died.

In his presence, I’d still die, slowly, because our connection is whisper. Of course, I keep trying to figure out today. The day I found our old messages...

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World’s Best Banned Toys

by Wombstretcha

World’s Best Banned Toys

Toys. We collected and used them as wee folks when being alive was a joy and not a tiresome slog through existence.

There has been many a curious toy, however, which for some reason—be it safety or public outcry—was removed from our lives, never to be seen again. Yes, when I say that, most people think, "ah yes, those lawn darts," but there is a world of banned toys. Let’s look at some, shall we? ...

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Erotic City

by Bryan A. Bybee & Barnaby Bandini

Erotic City

Local industry news and events...

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Exotic Pin-Up

photos by Hypnox

Exotic Pin-Up

Featuring Emery & Brandi from Club SinRock...

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Excuses to Use When You Want to Leave a Party (Or Not Show Up in the First Place)

by Hannah One Cup

Excuses to Use When You Want to Leave a Party (Or Not Show Up in the First Place)

The last year has been oddly disorienting. Not in the normal, "I’m day drunk because I work from home now—and my bars are all closed because of reasons" disorienting, but it has left me, personally, just as consumed with conflicting thoughts due to change in routine.

For instance, remember that brief time last year when we were able to safely take our masks off when walking into a grocery store? IT WAS INSANE! Who knew so many people had unshaven beards! Or the folks you kind of expected to have one, that didn’t. Either way, that moment in time was almost like a summer fling—fun, short-lived, and leaving you a bit wanting. We had all been able to feel "safer" in going out to eat, visit/live in your favorite bar, get groceries with others, mask-less, almost feeling naked. Like..."Ooooooo, I’m not wearing a mask! Scandalous!" We also felt okay going to friends’ houses or out to the theater with said friend(s) almost in fear of this never happening again. We lived life to the fullest—almost a full-on 1970s-style party (in our heads, at least)...

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