This may sound like an entitled rant, as though these artists owe me or their fans anything. Well, it is. And they do. I am tired of waiting around for these long-anticipated follow-ups to drop. If ever there was an appropriate use of this platform, it is doing just this—using the non-titty space on these pages to demand content from artists who will probably never even know I exist.
Rest assured, it’s not just me. This is certainly the will of the people! I am merely their voice. There is documented evidence that all of these albums are either complete or—at some stage—close to completion. Yet we, the people, are given nothing...not even a promo single or an advance appearance on a racing game. This is an outrage! We have waited long enough. If someone knows these artists or someone who knows them, please shove this article in their face and demand answers...
Last year, I dedicated a few issues of my column to outlining out how you should behave in a strip club. This month, I’m going to take it in a slightly different direction. Look, I know full well that people are doing cocaine in the club, and as a bouncer, I’m going to tell you don’t do it. If I catch you, I have to do something about it, and neither of us wants that, right? Well, never fear, Dear Readers, because if you follow this handy dandy guide that I’ve composed for you, I’ll be none the wiser to your participation in the "Winter Olympics," if you know what I mean—and that’s better for both of us! Think of it like Schrödinger’s dumbass cat, who can’t decide whether it’s alive or dead until you open the box to look at it; if I don’t catch you doing coke, did you even do it?...
Mankind’s entire history is predicated on our ability to learn and use tools, make discoveries, and use our comparatively powerful intellects to solve problems.
Many times, a new device is invented to make our lives easier, from the simple stone axe, which meant not having to beat your lunch to death with your fists before eating it, to the modern mobile phone, which looks up anything we can think of, tells us how to get places, and lets you redeem those really weird gifts from T-Mobile on Tuesdays. Sometimes, though, we as humans go a bit astray when we put our brains to the task of creating problem-solving devices and end up with some very strange things. I’ll look through history and pull out some of the most unique items we have ever invented...
An exclusive interview with the newly crowned queen...
New year, new column! With everyone trying to become their best selves through resolutions, I, too, should carry that vibe to the beloved Erotic City. If we’re not all constantly improving, then we’re just treading water or sinking, right? But then again, how many of you will actually stick to those vows of self-betterment by the end of this month? The truth is, we are a species content with doing the bare minimum to maintain and not a bit more. So, in that same spirit of mediocrity, I proudly present to you...basically the same column as last month! You know you love it...
It has been said by many memes and various social media postings that going into someone’s notes on their cellphone is a surefire way to determine that you know a lunatic or that you know next to nothing about how this person is alive every day.
From my own personal experience of doing this to myself, it’s a bit of an eye-opener for sure. Since, like most of you, I’m sure I do not simply delete my old notes from February of this year. Or notes from when I first opened my phone up. They all remain as tiny fragments of memories not otherwise caught on film...
Whether Polerotica in the spring, Miss Exotic Oregon in the fall or one of our several other events, Exotic always has a fresh and exciting contest just around the corner.
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